I decided to rest and make my own Mugen character that I need to polish things up after making Newgrounds 20th anniversary art that I recently made which was my last fan art. Also I will continue to work on Madness X Tankmen for two days each week so I can ease my stress.
I was about to use my former character as a playable boss character so instead my mugen character is used as an assist character: http://scepterdpinoy.deviantart.com/art/Foreign-Final-Boss-for-Mugen-Spritesheet-453236691
Also I'm not sure If I will attend the event at Pico Day 2015 held at Newgrounds office due to limited budget but hopefully my family will have enough money then. If so then I would love to see some interesting ng users I will meet.
I will resume making fan arts every friday probably a quality sketch, quick pixel art (boss sprite),ect.