Game Over and middle finger goes to the Dummy.
Game Over and middle finger goes to the Dummy.
You're getting better at pixel art!
Your crt never cease to amaze us.
Thanks! I find doing these challenges with limited palettes or rules really helps me learn how to make the most out of pixels!
I do notice this chicken has played too much Bomberman.
Good art style direction to keep things fresh. s(^_^)b
This looks like a legit pixel art.
Are these good pixel art edible? You won a cookie for this.
Perfect pixel art.
Creepy and vibrant!
Looks dope pixel art.
This only phase 2 minipixel
....tihs siht daer Onnud I tra tib ih gnikam tsitra lexip trats tceles A B > < > < v v ^^.
Feel free to stop by at my lair. I specialize in hi bit pixel art. My finished art is fully updated both here , DeviantArt and sometimes Artstation.
Pixel artist
Riverside CA
Joined on 6/9/14