Not bad! <3
Not bad! <3
Beautiful. T_T
As a person who likes arcade pixel art this is friggin awesome!
I think I see this on DeviantArt recently ago. Great job!
You can't go wrong with digital painted 2D art!
Very detailed with limited 5 colors palette. Awesome job!
This looks cozy.
Good old days...
I don't know how it felt to work for several hours to make detailed animated pixel art.
Your pixel art has paid off well in the end!
Animating it was easy on the start since all I had to do was make 2 keyframes and then add the rest of the inbetweens.
But the rendering part was the most time-consuming part. Had to understand about how rendering metallic gold works in general. Lol.
Now this is tomazing!
You never fail to make good pixel art like these!
....tihs siht daer Onnud I tra tib ih gnikam tsitra lexip trats tceles A B > < > < v v ^^.
Feel free to stop by at my lair. I specialize in hi bit pixel art. My finished art is fully updated both here , DeviantArt and sometimes Artstation.
Pixel artist
Riverside CA
Joined on 6/9/14